360SMSApp provides a powerful Salesforce CTI Integration solution for businesses in the USA, streamlining phone call management within Salesforce. With this integration, users can make, receive, and log calls directly through the Salesforce platform, ensuring all customer interactions are recorded and accessible in real time. Features like click-to-dial, call tracking, and automatic call logging help businesses improve productivity and response times. By leveraging 360SMSApp’s CTI integration, companies can provide personalized customer support and enhance their sales efforts, all while maximizing the functionality of their Salesforce CRM in the USA market. https://360smsapp.com/blog/a-comprehensive-guide-to-salesforce-cti-integration/
Contact Us -
Company Name - 360 SMS APP
Phone Number - +13236414417
E-Mail ID - care@360smsapp.com
Website - https://360smsapp.com/
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